News Article

Back in time for Summer

I arrived in Ouagadougou on the 13th of July short all three of my suitcases.  Don’t worry – prayers were answered and I had them back a week later in good enough condition.

I made it back just in time for our rainy season.  Burkina has two seasons – rainy season and dry season because it only rains during the summer months.  Ideally, the rains begin mid-June and continue through September, making it possible to plant and harvest a crop of millet.  I dare not complain about my house flooding, the mud everywhere, and the difficulty getting out because lives depend on the harvest!  Please join us as we pray for just the right amount of rain and a bountiful harvest in November.

When it’s not raining, the BFO teachers and I are working on lesson plans and organizing what has become our annual “Teen Camp” which will be held September 2nd.  When it is raining, our teachers can’t get out on their bikes and motos; so I work on getting my house back in order – school supplies, teaching materials, recycled materials, it’s everywhere!